Bouquet “Sofia”
Bouquet “Sofia”
If you need delivery at a specific time, please contact us by phone.
This stunning "Sofia" bouquet will bring you joy through its freshness and tenderness.
Flowers: roses, hydrangeas
size S - Approximately 10 roses arranged on hydrangea flowers
size M - Approximately 12 roses arranged on hydrangea flowers
size L - Approximately 20 roses arranged on hydrangea flowers
size XL - Approximately 30 roses arranged on hydrangea flowers
size XXL - Approximately 40 roses arranged on hydrangea flowers
* In the photo, size: L / in vase
The bouquet is available in another colors.
Please inquire about the availability of other colors, when placing your order.
** Options available:
- Hat box
*** Dear Customer! Please note that while we strive to replicate the bouquet exactly as shown in the photo, slight variations may occur due to seasonal availability and stock. Rest assured, your bouquet will be stunning and perfect.
The vase may also vary from the one shown in the photo.